As spring approaches, many Las Vegas, NV homeowners are turning to their air conditioning systems to stay comfortable. Unfortunately, it isn’t uncommon for your air conditioning system to experience problems as spring begins. We’re going to address the most common signs that you need to get repairs for your air conditioning system before the scorching temperatures show up.

Odd Smells

One of the first signs that your air conditioning system is malfunctioning is that it’s producing a weird smell. It’s important to first point out that, when you start up your air conditioning system for the first time in the year, it may produce a slight burning smell as dust burns off the unit’s components. However, that burning smell should dissipate within a couple of minutes.

If you notice that a smell seems to be lingering while your system is operating apart from its initial first burn-off smell, it’s a sign that there’s a problem with your system. The particular scent of the smell will give you some insight into what the problem may be. As an example, a musty smell coming from your air conditioning system usually means that you have mold or mildew growth inside your system or your ductwork. A chemical or metallic-like odor usually indicates a problem with one of the electrical components of your system.

Weird Noises

Another key indicator that there’s something wrong with your AC unit is that it’s making a weird noise that you never heard before. The particular tone of the noise that it’s making can give you some necessary info into where the problem likely is with your system. A grinding noise usually means that the ball bearings inside your blower motor are starting to wear out.

However, a squealing noise typically indicates that the blower fan belt is nearing the end of its lifespan. A rattling noise usually means that there’s a loose component inside of your system. It’s important to address this noise issue as early as possible to prevent further damage from happening to your system.

Thermostat Not Working

One common problem that you may run into is that your thermostat screen doesn’t seem to be working. If the screen itself is blank, it means that there’s not enough power going to it. This could be something as simple as a tripped circuit breaker or dead batteries. In other cases, the issue could lie with loose wiring going to your thermostat or the thermostat itself may simply be faulty. If the thermostat screen is on but you’re not able to change any of your settings, it’s highly likely that the child lock is set to the On position and needs to be turned off.

Blowing Hot Air

One particularly frustrating issue you may run into is that your air conditioning system seems to be blowing hot air. This can be the result of a couple of different factors. One of the best places to start is by checking the air filter to see if it’s overly dirty and needs to be replaced.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, one of our HVAC repair technicians can further diagnose the issue and identify if the source is due to dirty coils or a low refrigerant level in your system. Fortunately, these are easy fixes, as all they require is a thorough cleaning of the coil or recharging of your system’s refrigerant level.

Not Starting

Another irritating issue you may run into is that your system simply won’t start up. If your thermostat screen is working fine and the indoor temperature is at least 5 degrees different than your desired setting, it’s a key indication that you may have a faulty starter capacitor. This particular component is responsible for giving a jolt of energy to the compressor pump in your outdoor condenser unit to get it started. If the starter capacitor fails, you’ll hear a distinctive clicking noise, and then your system simply won’t turn on.

No Airflow

One rather perplexing issue you may run into is your air conditioning system turns on but no air comes out of the air vents. It’s best to walk around to the different supply vents throughout your home and verify that the issue doesn’t lie with just one vent.

If only one vent lacks airflow, then it’s highly likely that you have an obstruction inside of your ductwork that needs to be removed by a professional. If all your air vents lack adequate airflow, it’s likely that there’s a problem with the blower components in your system. The problem may lie with a blown-up blower motor or a broken blower fan belt.

Short Cycling

A well-functioning air conditioning system will have about two to three cycles per hour. If you notice that your system seems to be cycling a lot more often and has much shorter cycles, it’s experiencing short cycling. This could be due to a number of different issues with your system. It could be due to a dirty air filter, dirty coils, a bad thermostat setting, or an improperly sized unit.

Pooling Water

One alarming issue that you can run into with your system is that there seems to be water pooling underneath your indoor air handler unit. This can happen because the drain for your system is clogged with debris. As your air conditioning system runs, it naturally pulls excess moisture out of the air. This moisture develops in droplets on the evaporator coil and falls down into the drain pan.

The water flows through the drain pan and out the drain for your home. Whenever there is a clog in the drain, water can back up in the drain pan and eventually overflow onto your floor. Fortunately, this is a relatively easy fix, as all you need to do is clean out the clog in your drain line so that it can adequately drain the excess condensation from your system.

The Importance of Hiring a Professional for Repair Service

There are a handful of situations in which you can fix the problem with your air conditioning system. These include things like removing debris from your outdoor condenser unit and putting fresh batteries in your thermostat. However, it’s important to hire a professional for problems that require repairs for a number of different reasons. One of the most important is to ensure that you get an accurate diagnosis and swift repairs to get your system back up and running.

Another vital reason that you need to hire a professional is to ensure that the repair work is done under warranty. Most HVAC system manufacturers will not honor repairs that are done by a homeowner. This can leave you paying out of pocket for the repair that would otherwise be covered by having a professional do the service for you.

Reliable Emergency AC Repair Service

Pure Plumbing & Air offers reliable emergency AC repair service for the Las Vegas, NV area. We can also assist with all your AC installation, replacement, and maintenance needs.

Call our friendly office staff at Pure Plumbing & Air today to book your next AC service appointment with one of our helpful HVAC technicians.

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